We have put together a list of websites we have found helpful:

ENT Consultants

For a detailed description of cholesteatoma we have found the following website from ENT consultants in Kent.

Mr Hamilton in Gloucester also has a detailed website and images on cholesteatoma.

Cholesteatoma in Children

For a simple description of cholesteatoma, especially in children, have a look at Success for Kids with Hearing Loss.

The National Deaf Children’s Society has also some information on cholesteatoma, and support for children with hearing loss.

UK NHS Websites

National Centre for Clinical Excellence (NICE) have produced a clinical knowledge summary on cholesteatoma. It does have a lot of medical terminology but may provide some useful information.

For information on how your GP should manage your condition in primary care, National Centre for Clinical Excellence – NICE – have produced some guidance.

If you would like more information on cholesteatoma consult NHS Choices

International Cholesteatoma Association is not responsible for content on external websites.