Read Cholesteatoma Stories
Looking for peoples real experiences of cholesteatoma, below are some member stories? Maybe you have a story to tell others, that will help and support others or to highlight particular aspects of having cholesteatoma?
If you would like to share your story, email your story in word format or in video format to
- Joshy’s cholesteatoma journey – This is a story from a mum’s perspective about her 10 year old boy.
- Catherine’s cholesteatoma story is written from the heart, and outlines the shock of initial diagnosis, and coping post-surgery.
- Kazzy’s cholesteatoma and BAHA story – This is a very detailed story of Kazzy’s experiences with her BAHA – I loved reading the part about being able to hear all the different sounds.
- Jan’s external ear canal story – Here is a story about cholesteatoma in the external ear canal. Jan tells her story about diagnosis and her first surgery.
- Fiona’s cholesteatoma journey – This is a story of the struggle to get a diagnosis, and the impact of living with the disease.
- Brayden’s canine helpers– Here is a TV report on 10 year old Brayden, who has been so brave.
- VIDEOS: Day 1 / Day 5 / Day 9 / Day 15 / Month 1– A patient story of recovery after cholesteatoma operation.
- A story from National Deaf Trust Association
Submit Your Own Story. Send us your story for inclusion on the website. Aim for around 1 side of A4.Send in your story to Email: